Many families have already adhered to healthy eating habits with balance and practicality for everyday life. Healthy Table Functional Food Cooking Classes services are highly customized based on each client’s needs and desires. We assess your health goals, preferences and any dietary requirements and then fine tune a program that is just what you and your family are looking for. We provide better quality of life by training home cooks, with nutritionally balanced practical and healthy menus. It's great, too, for those who have autoimmune diseases or restrictions food in general. We were able to develop healthy menus, snacks, zero-sugar desserts and light dinners. The menus can be in the Low Carb, vegetarian and vegan. In-person or online training**

Bring your team back together with a fun and interactive cooking class. Tell us about your team, select your personalized menu, and let’s get started! Your event is fully customizable and we will deliver all the necessary ingredients.